Ben's Page
#64 during his 2010 - 2012 High School Football Season Wiregrass Ranch High School. Ben played Tackle, Guard, Tight-End and Defensive End. After his S Junior year of Football, he participated for the first time on the Wrestling team where he went from 1 JV match to Varsity. Joined the Weight Team for the 2nd season after Wrestling.
He started working out at Sports and Field with Johnny, Denny and Biko, then followed Denny and Biko to Impact Fitness for more personalized work-outs.
He is currently attending Webber International University in Babson Park, FL as a Right Guard (#62).
We really want you to have a GREAT day. Shoot us a line and we can try to get together!
Email the family at:, or Ben at
Football Highlights
WIU vs Stetson University
WIU - #62
WRHS - #64